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Sayəsində öyrən: İngilis dilində sayəsində sözünün istifadə qaydaları


Sayěsindě: A Word That Expresses Gratitude and Causality in Azerbaijani Culture

What is sayěsindě and how is it used?

Sayěsindě is a word that can be translated as "thanks to" or "owing to" in English. It is used to express gratitude or causality in Azerbaijani language. It can be followed by a noun, a pronoun, or a verb in the past tense. For example:


  • Sayěsindě öyrəndim. (I learned thanks to you.)

  • Sayěsindě işlədim. (I worked owing to him/her.)

  • Sayěsindě qalib gəldik. (We won thanks to them.)

Sayěsindě can also be used as a standalone expression to show appreciation or acknowledgment. For example:

  • Sayěsindě! (Thank you!)

  • Sayěsindě ki, gəldin. (Thanks for coming.)

  • Sayěsindě ki, varsan. (Thanks for being here.)

Sayěsindě as a way of expressing gratitude

One of the main uses of sayěsindě is to express gratitude to someone or something for their help or contribution. This can be done in various ways, such as:

  • Thanking someone for a favor, a gift, or a service.

  • Thanking someone for their support, advice, or encouragement.

  • Thanking someone for their friendship, love, or kindness.

  • Thanking something for its existence, function, or benefit.

Some examples of using sayěsindě to express gratitude are:

  • Sayěsindě ki, mənə kömək etdin. (Thanks for helping me.)

  • Sayěsindě ki, mənə bu hədiyyəni verdin. (Thanks for giving me this gift.)

  • Sayěsindě ki, mənə məsləhət verdin. (Thanks for advising me.)

  • Sayěsindě ki, mənim dostumsan. (Thanks for being my friend.)

  • Sayěsindě ki, sən varsan. (Thanks for being you.)

  • Sayěsindě ki, günəş parladı. (Thanks for the sun shining.)

  • Sayěsindě ki, internet var. (Thanks for the internet.)

Sayěsindě as a way of expressing causality

Another use of sayěsindě is to express causality between two events or situations. This can be done in various ways, such as:

  • Showing the reason or motive for something.

  • Showing the result or consequence of something.

  • Showing the condition or circumstance for something.

  • Showing the contrast or exception for something.

Some examples of using sayěsindě to express causality are:

  • Müəllimim sayěsindë ingiliscə öyrəndim. (I learned English thanks to my teacher.)

  • Çox çalışdığı sayěsindë zəngin oldu. (He became rich owing to his hard work.)

  • Bu gün yağış yağdığı sayěsindë evdə qaldım. (I stayed at home today owing to the rain.)

  • Bütün problemlər sayěsindë daha güclü oldum. (I became stronger thanks to all the problems.)

  • Hava soyuq olmasa sayěsindě gəzə bilərdim. (I could have gone for a walk if it weren't for the cold weather.)

Why is sayěsindě important in Azerbaijani culture?

Sayěsindě is not just a word, but also a reflection of the Azerbaijani culture and mindset. It reveals some of the values and beliefs that shape the way Azerbaijanis think and act. Here are some of them:

Sayěsindě reflects the Azerbaijani sense of hospitality and generosity

Azerbaijanis are known for their hospitality and generosity, especially towards their guests and hosts. They always try to make their visitors feel welcome and comfortable, and they often offer them food, drinks, gifts, and compliments. They also appreciate and respect their hosts, and they thank them for their kindness and care. Sayěsindě is a common way of expressing this gratitude and respect, as it shows that they acknowledge and value the efforts and contributions of others.

Sayěsindě reflects the Azerbaijani sense of resilience and optimism

Azerbaijanis are also known for their resilience and optimism, especially in the face of challenges and difficulties. They have endured many hardships and struggles throughout their history, but they have also overcome them with courage and determination. They always look for the positive side of things, and they never give up on their dreams and goals. Sayěsindě is a common way of expressing this resilience and optimism, as it shows that they accept and learn from their experiences, and they are grateful for the opportunities and possibilities that life offers them.

Bu kitabı onun sayəsində oxudum. (I read this book thanks to him.)

Qazanmaq üçün çox çalışdıq, amma hələ də şansın sayəsində oldu. (We worked hard to win, but it was still owing to luck.)

nəticəsində (as a result of)

görə (because of)

vasitəsilə (by means of)

aracılığı ilə (through the agency of)

yardımı ilə (with the help of)

Sürücü qaydasızlıq nəticəsində qəzaya uğradı. (The driver had an accident as a result of violating the rules.)

Onun xeyriyyəçilik görə mükafatlandırıldı. (He was rewarded because of his charity.)

Müraciət vasitəsilə iş tapdım. (I found a job by means of an application.)

Tercümeyi-hal aracılığı ilə danışdıq. (We talked through an interpreter.)

Dostlarımın yardımı ilə evimi təmir etdim. (I repaired my house with the help of my friends.)

sayesinde ne demek

sayesinde ingilizce

sayesinde cümle

sayesinde türkçe

sayesinde nasıl yazılır

sayesinde kelimesinin anlamı

sayesinde örnek cümleler

sayesinde eş anlamlısı

sayesinde zıt anlamlısı

sayesinde kullanım alanları

sayesinde ile ilgili sözler

sayesinde ile ilgili şiirler

sayesinde ile ilgili hikayeler

sayesinde ile ilgili kompozisyonlar

sayesinde ile ilgili atasözleri

sayesinde ile ilgili deyimler

sayesinde ile ilgili tekerlemeler

sayesinde ile ilgili şarkılar

sayesinde ile ilgili filmler

sayesinde ile ilgili kitaplar

sayesinde ile ilgili oyunlar

sayesinde ile ilgili videolar

sayesinde ile ilgili resimler

sayesinde ile ilgili haberler

sayesinde ile ilgili makaleler

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sayesinde kelimesinin türevleri

sayesinde kelimesinin çevirisi

sayesinde kelimesinin telaffuzu

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sayesinde kelimesinin sınıflandırılması

sayesinde kelimesinin karşılaştırılması

sayesinde kelimesinin analizi

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sayesinde kelimesinin varyasyonları

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sayesinde kelimesinin kombinasyonları nasıl oluşturulur?

sayesinde kelimesinin varyantları nasıl oluşturulur?

How can you use sayěsindě in different contexts?

Sayěsindě is a versatile word that can be used in different contexts, depending on the tone, intention, and situation of the speaker. Here are some tips on how to use sayěsindě in various settings:

Sayěsindě in formal settings

In formal settings, such as professional or academic contexts, sayěsindě can be used to show respect, appreciation, or acknowledgment to someone or something. For example:

  • When you want to thank someone for their work, service, or cooperation.

  • When you want to acknowledge someone's contribution, achievement, or recognition.

  • When you want to cite someone's source, reference, or inspiration.

Some examples of using sayěsindě in formal settings are:

  • Sayın müdürümüzün dəstəyi sayěsində bu layihəni uğurla tamamladıq. (We successfully completed this project thanks to the support of our respected director.)

  • Bu mükafatı ala biləcəyim üçün sizin sayěsindədir. (It is thanks to you that I could receive this award.)

  • Bu məqalədə Nobel mükafatlı alimlərimizdən Prof. Dr. Leyla Əliyevanın araşdırmalarından istifadə etdim. (In this article, I used the research of our Nobel prize-winning scientist Prof. Dr. Leyla Aliyeva.)

Sayěsindě in informal settings

In informal settings, such as personal or social contexts, sayěsindě can be used to show affection, gratitude, or humor to someone or something. For example:

  • When you want to thank someone for their friendship, love, or kindness.

  • When you want to show your happiness or satisfaction with something.

  • When you want to make a joke or a sarcastic remark about something.

Some examples of using sayěsindě in informal settings are:

  • Sən olmasaydın nə edərdim? Həyatımın mənasısansan! Sənin sayěsindədir ki, bu qədər xoşbəxtəm. (What would I do without you? You are the meaning of my life! It is thanks to you that I am so happy.)

  • Bu tort çox dadlıdır! Sənin sayěsindədir ki, bu gün əla keçiririk. (This cake is very delicious! It is thanks to you that we are having a great day today.)

  • Bu gün işdə çox pis oldu. Sənin sayěsindədir ki, hələ də sağ qalıram. (Today was very bad at work. It is thanks to you that I am still alive.)

What are some common phrases with sayěsindě?

Sayěsindě is a word that can be used in many different phrases and expressions in Azerbaijani language. Here are some of the most common ones and their meanings:

Table: Common phrases with sayěsindě





Sayěsindě olmasa

If it weren't for you

A way of showing gratitude or dependence on someone or something

Sayěsindě olmasa, bu işi başa çatdıra bilməzdim. (If it weren't for you, I couldn't have finished this job.)

Sayěsində olsun

Let it be thanks to you

A way of wishing someone good luck or success

Sayěsində olsun, imtahanda uğurlu olarsan. (Let it be thanks to you, you will be successful in the exam.)

Sayěsində deyil

Not thanks to you

A way of showing resentment or anger towards someone or something

Sayěsində deyil, özüm etdim. (I did it myself, not thanks to you.)

Sayěsindən gəlmir

It doesn't come from you

A way of rejecting or refusing someone's offer or request

Sayěsindən gəlmir, sən mənə pul vermirsən. (It doesn't come from you, you don't give me money.)

Sayěsindən çıxmaq

To get out of your debt

A way of expressing relief or gratitude after being helped by someone or something

Sonunda borcumdan sayěsindən çıxdım. (Finally, I got out of my debt thanks to you.)


In conclusion, sayěsindě is a word that expresses gratitude and causality in Azerbaijani culture. It is used to thank someone or something for their help or contribution, or to show the reason or result of something. It also reflects some of the cultural values and beliefs of Azerbaijanis, such as hospitality, generosity, resilience, and optimism. Sayěsindě can be used in different contexts, depending on the tone, intention, and situation of the speaker. It can also be used in various phrases and expressions that have different meanings and functions.

If you want to learn more about Azerbaijani language and culture, or if you want to practice using sayěsindě in your conversations, you can use Bing search to find more resources and information. You can also use Bing graphic art to create some images related to sayěsindě and share them with your friends. You will be amazed by how much you can learn and enjoy with sayěsindě!


  • Q: How do you pronounce sayěsindě?

  • A: Sayěsindě is pronounced as /sa.jɛ.sin.dɛ/, with the stress on the first syllable.

  • Q: How do you say thank you in Azerbaijani?

  • A: The most common way to say thank you in Azerbaijani is təşəkkür edirəm, which means "I thank you". You can also use other expressions, such as çox sağ ol (be very well), sağ olun (be well), or minnətdaram (I am grateful).

  • Q: What are some other words that express gratitude or causality in Azerbaijani?

  • A: Some other words that express gratitude or causality in Azerbaijani are:

  • Mənəmət: A word that means "blessing" or "favor". It is used to thank someone for their kindness or generosity.

  • Nəticə: A word that means "result" or "outcome". It is used to show the effect or consequence of something.

  • Səbəb: A word that means "reason" or "cause". It is used to show the motive or origin of something.

  • Halbuki: A word that means "whereas" or "however". It is used to show the contrast or exception for something.

  • Q: How do you write sayěsindě in Azerbaijani alphabet?

  • A: Sayěsindě is written as sayəsində in Azerbaijani alphabet, which uses Latin script. The letter ə is pronounced as /æ/, similar to the sound in "cat". The letter y is pronounced as /j/, similar to the sound in "yes". The letter s is pronounced as /s/, similar to the sound in "sun". The letter i is pronounced as /i/, similar to the sound in "see". The letter n is pronounced as /n/, similar to the sound in "no". The letter d is pronounced as /d/, similar to the sound in "do". The letter e is pronounced as /ɛ/, similar to the sound in "bed".

  • Q: What are some synonyms for sayěsindě in Azerbaijani?

  • A: Some synonyms for sayěsindě in Azerbaijani are:

  • Bununla: A word that means "with this" or "by this". It is used to express gratitude or causality with a noun or a verb.

  • Buna görə: A word that means "for this" or "because of this". It is used to express gratitude or causality with a noun or a verb.

  • Bu yolla: A word that means "in this way" or "through this". It is used to express gratitude or causality with a noun or a verb.

  • Bu sayda: A word that means "in this number" or "by this amount". It is used to express gratitude or causality with a noun or a verb.

  • Q: How do you say sayěsindě in other languages?

  • A: Sayěsindě can be translated into other languages, such as:

  • English: Thanks to or owing to

  • Turkish: Sayesinde

  • Russian: Благодаря (Blagodarya)

  • Persian: به لطف (Be lotf)

  • Arabic: بفضل (Bifadl)


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